Welcome to EduApp-Project!

EduApp project is about joining forces and expertise to create the framework and resources for digital education and communication in the partner institutions, as an answer to the challenges of the
Covid-19 pandemic.

The applications will be available on

What we plan to achieve

EduApp - Mobile App

an all-in one application for desktop and mobile devices aiming at facilitating communication between school, teachers and students, with a notification pushing system, links to courses, activities and other resources available in the institution

Guidelines on how to set up and use the application EduApp

including tutorials for teachers, students and staff members

A teachers’ Guide on how to create effective digital learning resources


the on-line room for sharing good practices in blended learning, in the partner countries, containing methodologies and tools used in teaching, learning and evaluation.

A collection of digital learning materials

containing 30 video courses transposing the content into audio-video materials, 15 tutorials for practical training , 15 evaluation resources and other materials, to be used in online, blended and distance training


About the Project
